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jeudi 24 mai 2012

Raccourcis BASH

Control Key combinations (CTRL+KEY)

Ctrl + a : jump to the start of the line

Ctrl + b : move back a char

Ctrl + c : terminate the command

Ctrl + d : delete from under the cursor

Ctrl + e : jump to the end of the line

Ctrl + f : move forward a char

Ctrl + k : delete to EOL

Ctrl + l : clear the screen

Ctrl + r : search the history backwards

Ctrl + R : search the history backwards with multi-occurrence

Ctrl + u : delete backward from cursor

Ctrl + w : delete backward a word

Ctrl + xx : move between EOL and current cursor position

Ctrl + z : suspend/stop the command

Alt Key combinations (ALT+KEY)

Alt + < : move to the first line in the history

Alt + > : move to the last line in the history

Alt + ? : show current completion list

Alt + * : insert all possible completions

Alt + / : attempt to complete filename

Alt + . : yank last argument to previous command

Alt + b : move backward

Alt + c : capitalize the word

Alt + d : delete word

Alt + f : move forward

Alt + l : make word lowercase

Alt + n : search the history forwards non-incremental

Alt + p : search the history backwards non-incremental

Alt + r : recall command

Alt + t : move words around

Alt + u : make word uppercase

Alt + Backspace : delete backward from cursor

Escape Key combinations (ESC+KEY)

Esc + d : delete from cursor position to end of the word

Esc + f : move forward a word

Esc + b : move backward a word

Esc + t : transpose two adjacent words